

Every season, we are excited to give back to our dedicated players by distributing over 9 ETH across various raffle events!



In order to ensure fairness and give everyone an equal chance to win, everyone who wants to participate in raffles must have completed the Your adventure starts here quest which verifies your socials.


Types of raffles

We offer two main types of raffles to cater to different participant activities:

In addition to this, we run Seasonal Community Milestone Goal raffles that drop rewards as we collectively reach the goals.

Eligibility Information

In order to be eligible for raffles, you must have completed the Your adventure starts here quest!

Raffle reward schedule

Each raffle type has Daily, Weekly, and Seasonal rewards. Winners are selected randomly based on participation, giving everyone a fair shot at winning.

The more points you earn, the greater your chances of winning.

  • Example: You trade and earn 10 points over a reward period. Other traders earn 10 points total. Your chances of winning are 50% for each draw.

Multiple Wins Possibility

In our raffles, it's possible for the same participant to win multiple times within the same reward period, maximizing your rewards for active participation!


You can validate that we fairly picked the winners by checking our smart contract and raffle data. Here's how:

  1. Go to our public raffle winners page.
  2. Select the raffle you want to check and gather the participants array, the array hash, the smart contract txHash and the raffle winners.
  3. Decompress the array, keep the same order ie [['0x123', 2], ['0x456', 1]] becomes [0x123, 0x123, 0x456]
  4. From the decompressed array, recreate the hash: using sha256, concatenate the participants wallets by joining them with a comma, and finally output the result in hex format.
  5. Verify that the smart contract function received the same hash and length of participants, and output the same raffle winners as recorded in the raffle winners page.

Note that the smart contract uses an external service to generate random numbers.

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